Digital connectivity update for Members – June 2024

This document is the Easy Read version of the Connecting Cambridgeshire Digital Inclusion Delivery Plan 2024-2025 Executive Summary. This is a plan to help people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who cannot use the internet.

Digital Inclusion Delivery Plan 2024-2025 | Executive Summary easy read version

Digital connectivity update for Members – March 2024

Digital connectivity update for Members – December 2023

Is your business ready for the Digital Switchover?

Do you feel digitally excluded?

Image showing the first page of the Members Update document for Septemebr 2023.

Digital connectivity update for Members – September 2023

Digital connectivity update for Members – June 2023

The digital phone switchover – what you need to know

Picture of a piggy bank with coins all around it and the words “Low-cost broadband and mobile phone packages are called social tariffs. Social tariffs offer discounted deals for people on Universal Credit and other benefits. Find out today if you qualify for cheaper mobile and broadband bills. Visit the Ofcom website or contact Connecting Cambridgeshire for advice on: or” and the Connecting Cambridgeshire logo.

Social Tariffs

Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2025

Screen shot of the Member's update document showing a broadband graph

Digital connectivity update for Members – March 2023