Mobile Coverage Members Seminar for Greater Cambridge Councillors

Connecting Cambridgeshire held an online Mobile Connectivity Briefing Session for Members (June 2022), in response to a request from the CPCA Housing & Communities Committee. Committee members wanted to understand more about mobile coverage and the role of council planning teams in the rollout of 4G and 5G.

This first briefing session provided an update on mobile coverage in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District, with short presentations by officers giving planning, national and local perspectives – for which the slides are available below, along with a summary of Q&As from the session.

As a follow-up, the Mobile Coverage Factsheet summarises the benefits and challenges of expanding 4G and 5G networks to support businesses and communities, including new planning guidance, which we hope Members will find helpful.

Further Mobile Coverage briefing sessions will be arranged for other Districts in due course, where there is demand.


Please contact if you have any queries about this topic or would like to discuss further any aspect of the Connecting Cambridgeshire Programme.