Smart Lobby Screen trial at Shire Hall, Cambridge

Visitors to Cambridgeshire County Council’s Shire Hall in Cambridge may notice a new Smart Lobby Screen in the reception area showing useful real time travel updates to make journey planning easier.

The Smart Lobby Screen displays live bus and train times specific to the location, together with road traffic maps, travel updates on Twitter, and weather reports.

It is being trialled by Smart Cambridge to support the work of the Greater Cambridge Partnership by encouraging more people to use public transport.

The smart screen uses real-time and static data collated on the intelligent City Platform (iCP) which Smart Cambridge has developed with the University of Cambridge.

If successful, more Smart Lobby Screens will be placed in foyers of public buildings and large employers in and around Cambridge.

 Smart Cambridge is keen to hear what you think of the screen and if it helped you to plan your journey. Please email your feedback to the team at

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