We’re supporting the Cambridgeshire Digital Awards
We are supporting the 2016 Cambridgeshire Digital Awards as part of our work to encourage businesses and communities across the county to make the most of digital technology.
Launched last year, CDA16 is attracting a huge number of entries from businesses, colleges and charities, with 15 award categories including video, websites, blogs, social media, mobile apps and the ‘Spirit of Cambridgeshire’ award.
Last year’s award winners included several small businesses that had been helped through our business support programme. Take a look at some of their case studies here.
Chairman of the CDA Judging Panel, Robin Bailey, said: “We are delighted to have the support of Connecting Cambridgeshire at the Cambridgeshire Digital Awards once again.
“The work that they do to boost connectivity across the county is vital and chimes perfectly with our ethos to promote the digital economy and celebrate the great things that businesses, charities and schools from across Cambridgeshire achieve online.”
The Destination Digital business support programme is now closed as the EU and Government funding streams for digital skills training, equipment and connectivity vouchers have ended. Useful information including a Broadband Guide for businesses is available on the Connecting Businesses pages, where any further funding updates will be posted.
Click here to enter for free; it takes less than two minutes to complete. Closing date for applications is 23 September.